
Tuesday, March 3rd
1:45 – 3:00  and 3:15 – 4:30


What’s Our Story?
Using PIR Data to Elevate the Conversation Regarding Head Start Services

Christina has over 20 years of experience in organizational leadership, systems building, quality initiatives consulting, and high level training/technical assistance positions in the early childhood and business industries. She is currently a Senior Technical Specialist with ICF serving as a Systems Specialist with the HS TTA system for Region IV Head Start and has experience working in local, state, regional and national positions. She has since then served as: Senior Vice President of a National/International Franchise, Training and Technical Assistance coordinator for the CCR&R, Executive Director for the NAEYC state affiliate in GA, and an Early Childhood Specialist for the Region IV HS TTA system.

She is passionate about developing and investing in others and creating sustainable positive social change that will result in better outcomes for our children and families and is a local and national speaker. Christina is using her strengths of collaboration and cooperation to build stronger networks and systems to improve services and program capacity. Christina is currently leading the region in understanding and educating others on the issues around underserved populations, homelessness, children and families of poverty and identifying strategies and solutions within a complex system. She has recently published a series of LinkedIn articles on the topic, has produced an award winning inspirational short movie on leadership and is a published author on leadership with Steven Covey and Ken Blanchard titled, “Discover Your Inner Strengths.”

Christina is committed to being a lifelong learner and has earned a Masters of Science in Early Childhood Studies from Walden University and a Masters of Business Management from Western Governors University.