How Social Media Fits with Head Start’s Program Performance Standards
Below is just one of the connection you can use in your program to meet Head Start’s standards.
Family engagement approach is a program must.
Develop relationships with parents and structure services to encourage trust and respectful, ongoing
two-way communication between staff and parents to create welcoming program environments that
incorporate the unique cultural, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds of families in the program and
Collaborate with families in a family partnership process that identifies needs, interests, strengths,
goals, and services and resources that support family well-being, including family safety, health, and
economic stability;
Provide parents with opportunities to participate in the program as employees or volunteers;
Implement procedures for teachers, home visitors, and family support staff to share information
with each other , as appropriate and consistent with the requirements in part 1303 subpart C, of this
chapter; FERPA; or IDEA, to ensure coordinated family engagement strategies with children and families
in the classroom, home, and community.
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